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Our Fees



Here at Avalanche Returns, we do our best to be as upfront and transparent about our pricing as possible. We are working towards doing away with the billable hour, by offering monthly flat rates whenever possible.  



Contact us if your needs vary from services listed or price packages listed.  We may be able to customize our services and fees based on your individual requirements.


Income Tax Filing

Bookkeeping Packages

Upfront pricing for your bookkeeping needs.

Payroll Packages

Payroll packages priced for your employee base.

Accounts Payable & Accounts Receivable

Contact us for a flat rate.

1099 Pricing

Prices based on the number of 1099's.

Catch Up & Clean Up Pricing

Prices for when you've fallen behind, or made a mess of your bookkeeping. Incentives for monthly services.

Year-End Tax Summary

Pricing for single-entry accounting method.

Sales Tax & Other Forms

Form specific pricing.

Avalanche Returns- Quickbooks & Software Assistance

Pricing for your accounting software needs. Discounts apply for ongoing services.